Level 1 English


In the play Macbeth the character of Macbeth changes drastically. His relationship with his wife, his friendship with Banquo and his self confidence and pride all change and they change for the worst.

In the beginning of the play, before Macbeth has murdered King Duncan, Lady Macbeth is firmly in control and Macbeth is led by her word. “When you durst do it you are man.” This quote from Lady Macbeth to Macbeth is an insult and questions whether he is a man or not. Lady Macbeth forces him to kill King Duncan to prove to her that he is indeed a man. Later in the play their relationship becomes less important to Macbeth and he starts living his own life. After he is told of his wife committing suicide he replies “she should have died hereafter”. This shows that Macbeth felt he did non need the acceptance or approval of women anymore, and that he had become distant and unemotional in his relationship with Lady Macbeth.

Before becoming King, Macbeth’s friendship with Banquo is very close and they are the best of friends. When Macbeth says to Banquo “let us speak our free hearts to each other”, Banquo replies “very gladly”. This shows the strong bond and the camaraderie that they had because of their willingness to speak freely and truthfully with each other. However Macbeth soon grows to fear Banquo because he may know the truth about how he became King. So he says to hired men “both of you know Banquo was your enemy...So is he mine.” This was given as an order to kill Banquo his now former best friend. Macbeth gives the order because he is wary and fearful of Banquo and he has put the power that he has (stolen) above his friendship.

Macbeth was a very noble man, full of confidence and pride for his beloved Scotland. Even after the moment he slaughtered his King he said “I am afraid to think what I have done look on’t again, I dare not.” This was a huge turning point for Macbeth and it showed him loose all the confidence he had prior to the murder and he had little pride left for himself. Towards the end of the play Macbeth says “The wind I sway by and the heart I bear shall never say with doubt nor shake with fear.” This quote shows that he is overflowing with confidence to the point where he is oblivious to any threats or danger; his over confidence ultimately results in his death.

Macbeth goes through a huge change in the play. He started off a kind, caring, considerate and very noble man who was thought of highly by his King and by his peers. As the play moved on, and he killed the King< Macbeth proved to be an uncaring, foolish, cocky and an ignorant man who was left with no friends. As is the case with many of the celebrities that we have today, Macbeth focused his sights solely on being an almighty, powerful and respected king that he lost sight of where he started and the people who were important to him, which resulted in Macbeth having a disappointing fall from glory with no one he could turn to, to look for help.